Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Time waits for no man.

Time really does march on. And before you know it you have to get on with something else. Toni has almost been home a month. Just can't believe her holiday is almost over and she needs to be on the plane on Monday 26th from Harare to Nairobi.

We will drive up to Harare on Sunday and leave her at the airport on Monday. We will then go to Chimoio and get a few more things that I need for the work on Cecilia's home. We will get to see Claire at Velo & Glennschella's. Claire was a part of the Bunga TIMO team and a good friend. So after about 2 or more years she has returned to Mozambique in full time ministry.

Funny thing that; There are many more single ladies on the mission field than there are men! Do ladies just trust God more or are men just too fainthearted?

God's Great

Our God is no slow coach! When we were in Beira last weekend the Land Rover's indicators were working just the way they should, blink, blink. Next thing at the next corner I switched the indicator on and there was NO blink, blink. So a quick scout at the fuses etc and I could not find the problem. So we drover all the way back to Espungabera without.

Just this afternoon we had our prayer meeting and my request was that God would show / help me find and fix the problem. Two hours after the prayer meeting EUREKA! He answers prayers and quickley too. Praising God right now!

Church conference

Just recently I (Jinx) was in Beira for the annual Church conference. As was expected some days were much more interesting than others. But there were a few things to make mention of. It was so, so HOT! I don't think I have ever been that hot in Beira. And it was extremely humid not any more than is normal. But when you come from a place like Espungabera to Beira. WOW!

The Church as a whole seem quite happy with the work we are doing and appreciate our efforts. So we were encouraged by them. Another high light was on during the Sunday service when Pastor Domingos was consecrated. Very special seeing him receive the recognition which he really deserves. He is one of those folks who really does care. His life is absolutely dedicated to God. So he is now allowed to weddings and a host of other things. Congratulations Joao.

I was also able to get a lot of material for the completing of the house where Cecilia is going to stay. And she was also donated a few very useful things. It's just good seeing it start to come together for our team.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Praise the Lord getting there

The roof woodwork is now finished and ready to get the roof sheets put on. so we need to go and buy some of those soon. We need 40 more to cover the roof.