Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Still in the MIRACLE business

Praise the LORD!

While the ladies were learning how to sew, a woman brought her 9-10 year old son who's face was so swollen he could hardly see. She came asking for help, just any help. We asked her what had happened and she told us that he has been this way for some weeks now. After a few more questions it became clear that he had Bilharzia. We made sure that she understood that she needed to get him to a clinic/hospital very urgently to be treated. But we said that we would pray for her and her son that she would get the necessary treatment the boy needed. Hospitals and clinic's are few and very far between.

Placing our hands on them both we presented them to the Lord Jesus with our request for him to be healed. Being late afternoon Saturday she would only go on Monday to look for help. We attended to a few other questions about false prophets and witchdoctors.

Later on we got ready to show an "English" film on creation with Alex translating what was happening. The sound was so bad but not a person left. They were all packed into the half finished Church and were watching a 54cm TV screen. Amazing the hunger for truth!

Next morning, Sunday, we had a wonderful service with Alberto preaching and 5 people came forward to accept JESUS as their SAVIOR. P.T.L. Then I was privileged to lead the communion service. Just as we were closing the service a man stood up and said he would like to give a testimony. Saying nothing he brought the young boy with Bilharzia forward from the day before, HEALTHY - CURED Jesus is still performing MIRACLES.

What a weekend!

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