Saturday, May 30, 2009

This weekend.

We will be going to Goi-Goi this Sunday for Church. The Church there is led by a young man 24 years old Phienas. He was elected as the leader after the death of our much loved old "saint" Baba Williamo.

Phienas is a one of those young guys that is just growing in leaps and bounds. During Bible School week we normally have an open Bible study on Wednesday evenings. During that time what often happens is that folks come forward to be prayed for. Normally for health reasons. Phienas came forward and blew me away with his prayer request. "That God would enable him not to be so shy and to be able to lead the Church well espically with his preaching". A sure sign that he maturing.

At the same time, in going to Goi-Goi we have the opportunity to show our new pastor Domingo where the Church is. Seeing that we will soon be away for a few months.

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