Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Some "making memories" moments

During our regular trip in April to Chimoio to do shopping and banking, which went as usual, frustrating at times but otherwise all well. Walter & Rosie were there in their Land Rover and Dawn and I with Cecilia in ours. We had loaded up and we had our trailer with us mainly for lock up space. So the "help-me-self" shoppers in Chimoio can't help-me-self too much. When we had gone about 80km of the 350km trip back to Espungabera there was a huge bang/clatter metallic noise from the engine. Oh no! What now? We then knew the the engine had given up the "ghost".
Walter then towed our Land Rover with the trailer behind the rest of the way to Espungabera. Well what a trip! And with 170km of BAD dirt roads, it was interesting to say the least. Not to be outdone with just the Land Rover broken. The trailer's axle and springs broke as well and not from a heavy load just the poor road. We abandoned the trailer on the side of the road after off loading everything from the trailer on to our engine stricken Landy and the rest into Walter's Landy. Off we went for the last 45km when late at night by this stage Walter's Landy got a puncture.
I tell you Satan tried very hard to discourage the whole lot of us. But Jesus suffered VERY much more on the cross for all of our salvation. We do not loose heart.

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