Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Team building time

March we set aside a week as a team to have opportunity to get together, pray, talk and re-connect. We, being Walter & Rosie, Cecilia, Dawn & myself had not realised how tired some of us actually were. When we got to Xai-Xai, to Nascer do Sol. I got Walter's and my fishing rod all sorted out ready to go and get that big one for our supper. Well we didn't starve but we also had no fish. The whole week we were just too tired to muster the energy to go down and enjoy some fishing.

Never the less, we had a good time and came back relaxed and ready to face things again. It was just such a reminder that we are on call 24/7 in our ministry places, Espungabera and Siyabuzana. That to find time off or time to rest is just so very difficult. Not like in the city where you simply close the door of your house and nobody bothers you.

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